January 10, 2024Republic Lifestyle Desk

Eggs, mushroom: Foods to eat to avoid Vitamin D deficiency

Eggs, specifically the yolk, contain vitamin D. Whether enjoyed as part of a morning omelette or added to salads, eggs are a versatile and accessible source of this essential nutrient.

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Dairy products such as cheese and yogurt are often fortified with vitamin D.

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Fatty fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, and sardines are excellent sources of vitamin D.

Source: Unsplash

For those seeking a potent vitamin D supplement, cod liver oil is a rich source.

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Many foods are fortified with vitamin D to address deficiency concerns. Common examples include fortified milk, juices, and cereals.

Source: Unsplash

While wild mushrooms have higher levels, even the commonly available varieties can contribute to your vitamin D intake.

Source: Pexels